A bit about me. A.K.A. “Who the hell is this woman that thinks she can make weight loss pleasurable?”

 Hey pleasure queen! I’m Kirsten Koel. A professional coach, embodiment practitioner, enthusiastic dancer, and insatiable adventuress! My weight was one of the most frustrating and painful aspects of my life up until I created the Pleasure Based Weight Loss Method. 

In my past I’ve struggled with disordered eating, unhealthy “no pain no gain” weight loss, massive weight gain, and binge eating. I’ve been way under weight and way over weight. I’ve done the four AM sweets run and told myself I’d have one- only to inhale the whole box before I realized what had happened. I’ve felt out of control around food, hid my eating from loved ones, over-exercised myself to extreme exhaustion, and felt hopeless that I’d ever feel safe and sane around food and actually lose the excess weight.

Eventually, I started to get curious, and intuitively felt weight loss could be done in a very different way- I was trained in how to bring pleasure into the other aspects of my life, why not weight loss too?

I became entirely devoted to pleasure while simultaneously exploring losing weight and prioritizing my health. And this changed EVERYTHING. Weight loss became a gentle and delicious slide down to the right size for my body. I fell in love with being in my body and in my life. I learned how to move pleasure from a secret compartmentalized section of my existence to… how life gets to be for me.

After losing over 95 lbs in this way, I shifted the focus of my longstanding coaching practice to working with clients exclusively on pleasure based weight loss, and further polishing what I had learned and created. I am so incredibly proud of the results both myself and my clients have achieved, and who we have become along the way. I regularly work with women that it is my deep honor to support, whom feel like close friends, and whom make me tear up with their stories of success daily. And now, the Vixen coaching methodology is ready to be shared with a much broader audience of women. Cue the confetti!! It is my greatest joy and heart’s mission to guide women back to their bodies, their abundant eros and their innately luminous selves- all conveniently disguised as an online coaching business.